the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare
厚生労働大臣 (kousei roudou daijin)
the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
経済産業大臣 (keizai sangyou daijin)
the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications
総務大臣 (soumu daijin)
the Minister of Foreign Affairs
外務省 (gaimu daijin)
the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
文部科学大臣 (monbu kagaku daijin
the Minister of the Environment
環境大臣 (kankyou daijin)
the Minister of Justice
法務大臣 (houmu daijin)
the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
国土交通大臣 (kokudo koutsuu daijin)
the Minister of Defense
防衛大臣 (bouei daijin)
the Minister of Reconstruction
復興大臣 (fukkou daijin)